[APBeta] V2.1 release schedule

Paul Rodman paul at ilanga.com
Thu Jun 6 21:19:20 PDT 2013

Well, the reason behind producing monolithic major releases is so that I can generate income from updates. Making continual small updates doesn't allow for update fees. I suggested a "licencing" form of updates, where you paid, say, an annual fee to get any improvements to the app during that year, but no-one was interested in that.

I believe V2.1 will be the last minor release before the next major one (V3), although there might be a 2.1.1 bug fix release if it's warranted. I have to (a) figure out if I still have enough energy for V3, and (b) what would go into it. After 2.1 leaves the factory I plan on taking a small sabbatical to ponder these issues, and to update AstroAid.

Paul R.

On Jun 4, 2013, at 12:37 AM, Ken Harrison <kenm.harrison at gmail.com> wrote:

> Paul,
> Great news!
> As I've mentioned...may be the time has come to let your "child" leave home....
> Can you make the V2.1 the "official" release version and only do further "updates" on an adhoc basis??
> (The AAVSO are also dragging their feet when it comes to accepting spectroscopy as another tool for variable star observing.)
> On 4 June 2013 02:42, Paul Rodman <paul at ilanga.com> wrote:
> My current plan is to release V2.1 on or before the end of this month (June). The main issues I have been and will be attacking (telescope mount and ASCOM) are showing signs of being resolved. Other than that, there's a plethora of smaller issues to deal with, and a manual to update.
> Sadly, I will not be able to get any AAVSO stuff going as "promised", since the AAVSO people don't seem to be much interested in cooperating with outside developers these days. Much of the AAVSO stuff that still lurks in V2.1 will disappear, since it just causes nasty crashes at this point in time.
> Paul R.

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