[APBeta] AP 2.0 at Cherry Springs

Paul Rodman paul at ilanga.com
Fri Jun 25 10:59:39 PDT 2010

On Jun 25, 2010, at 10:12 AM, Chris Todd wrote:

> Just thought I'd let you know that I used AP beta 2.0 at Cherry
> Springs two weeks ago, and it ran great.  I don't get to get out and
> observe as often as I'd like, so I apologize for not being a more
> active beta tester.  I was very pleased that AP hung in there with me
> for the whole weekend without a single crash, application hiccup, or
> feature that I tried that didn't work as expected.  Sure, I didn't try
> all the features, but everything I tried worked well, and as I say, I
> had it open on my MacBook Pro for a little over 72 hours.  Searching
> objects, custom highlighting in the plan, using the FOV to tell
> whether I had my dob pointed at the right place, and (most importantly
> for me) entering observations, all worked smoothly and exactly as I
> expected.
> Just thought you'd like a little encouragement from a real-world test
> of AP beta 2.  I'm excited about the product, and I can't wait to
> purchase the full version on CD or DVD with all the catalogues.  So
> push that puppy out the door so I can give you my money!  :-)

Thanks for the (positive) feedback. If you were a Windows user I'd feel more encouraged, since most of the remaining issues seem to be largely Windows-related, and largely non-reproducible on my Windows installations (which are relatively "clean" since I have no non-AP-related software installed and do not use e-mail or web browsers). That being said, I think we're closing in on an acceptably-stable application.

Note that you can use all of the existing catalogues with V2 (the format has not changed). You have a beta licence so you can download and use them if you wish.

Paul R.

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