[APBeta] Diagnosing exceptions in my script

Paul Rodman paul at ilanga.com
Sat Aug 22 18:10:25 PDT 2009

On Aug 22, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Michael Portuesi wrote:

> I've returned to my Print Finder Charts script, and I've discovered  
> that AP has changed out from underneath it when I last touched it in  
> June.
> I'm getting an exception when I run my script.  Unfortunately, all I  
> get is a dialog box that says: "Unhandled exception occurred during  
> execution of the script!" which is not helpful.
> Is there a way I can get more detailed information about the  
> exception?  Class type of the exception, detailed exception message,  
> error code, stack trace, line number on which the exception occurred?

Unfortunately not. It's a compiler/framework shortcoming that the  
vendor hasn't resolved yet. At least it doesn't crash the entire app  
as with V1...

My strategy is to dot the code with

    debug "Point A"
    debug "Point B"

etc. and narrow down the line of code that's causing the problem (i.e.  
if the Debug window has "Point A" but not "Point B" then you know the  
exception lies somewhere between).

Paul R.

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