[APBeta] Silence...

Paul Rodman paul at ilanga.com
Wed Sep 15 10:15:27 PDT 2010

OK, the reason for my silence is that I have been busy gutting and rewiring the text import/export features for AP. Looking at the original code, I realised that it was still largely V1.x code and was not working well at all. I am just about complete at this stage. Some notes:

a. You can now export session/observation data (independently of plan object data).
b. All (or pretty much all) fields in objects, sessions and observations can be exported. Ditto for importing objects and observations.
c. Many more import/export formats are supported.
d. Multiple resource combinations can be exported (rather than just the first one).
e. XML export is now a lot better and conforms better to standards. Output is nicely hierarchically arranged.
f. When importing, the first data line is presented to you as "sample data", allowing you to set up formats much easier. It also pre-imports the values and displays them so you can make sure you're using the correct formats, columns, etc.

I have given some thought to HTML export features (i.e. automatically generating web pages from your plan/observation data), but I suspect that will not make it into V2. There's always the Observation HTML script...

Paul R.

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