[APBeta] Does the plan file get modified as soon as it's opened?

Sander Pool sander_pool at pobox.com
Mon Aug 30 07:47:37 PDT 2010

Alright, thanks Paul.


On 8/30/2010 10:06 AM, Paul Rodman wrote:
> On Aug 29, 2010, at 8:07 PM, Sander Pool wrote:
>> I noticed that even if I don't do anything to my planfile it is immediately marked '*' for 'changed' and it'll prompt me if I want to change the file. What is it writing to my plan? Is this normal? b91.
> Yeh, AP V2 is bit "over-sensitive" to changes. I need to examine what's going on. A lot of stuff is saved (settings, positions of window splitters, etc.) with the document. Sometimes just setting things up when the doc opens is enough to trigger a change.
> Paul R.

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